Consumer & B2B
Marketing & PR
An unending curiosity to learn more and improve our services
People who listen: to you, your clients and your staff
Personalized solutions based on industry trends and your goals
24/7 accessibility when deadlines are approaching
Help to reduce costs and accelerate time to market
In Your Corner...
More than 30 years experience building brands and introducing new products and services
74 National and International Awards for creative and production excellence
More than 100 new product launches and start-up introductions

Our Process...
We work together to determine your Objectives and Goals. From a starting point of aligning Marketing and Sales to build and grow your business we determine a path to get you where you want to go.
We analyze your organization. We examine your strengths and weaknesses. We talk to your stakeholders. We look at the market and your competition.

We evaluate your competition in the same manner. We create integrated strategies that are consistent with your corporate vision, mission and Total Value Proposition – updating these as needed.

Once the evaluation is complete, we guide you in choosing the best course to maximize your opportunities, minimize your threats, perhaps even turning those threats into opportunities.


“Our Public Relations efforts are paying off. You've done a great job for us.”
“I appreciate your excellent management of the program, which alleviated the need for us to micro-manage.”
“These are the best spot's we've ever produced... you're making me look good!”
“The response rate on the eBlast was through the roof. This is really exciting."
“If I haven't told you recently, You do a GREAT job.”
“The booth looks amazing, but that's not a surprise with your team."
“It was the one time you told me you weren’t right for a project that reminded me how I can always rely on your word.”
“It is a pleasure working with the staff at MRC. They are creative, professional and timely and have become the “partner” we were looking for in an advertising & PR agency.”